Thursday, June 23, 2011

Responsibility= Kindness

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is happy and well and growing stronger every day :) I was in meditation this morning and the word responsibility, like a a billboard, kept coming up for me.  I felt like I was responsible for my own energy in that moment.  But what about all the other moments in my day that go past me in unawareness.  Am I responsible.  I work at being patience and express kindness but how often do I give it to myself?  What is the kindest thing I do for myself?  And how often do I do it?  I started thinking about these things and I realized when I am the most kind to myself is when I give myself room to make mistakes.  I give myself room to grow.  If I speak out and I offend someone...I don't sit and judge myself (it takes courage to speak out) I understand and I have compassion. I don't scream at myself when I'm tired or when I am in the lazy cycle of life.  I give myself room to come back to energy, peace and a lightness.  This is when I am most kind to myself and I realize I live there :)

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. "-Buddha

I would only add:
There are so many ways to BE kindness.  Smile at someone you love. Listen to someone you love.  (really listen without judging) Send those who are suffering compassion ( maybe a moment of prayer for the animals) And perhaps the mother of kindness..take responsibility for your energy (the heaviness, the lightness everything)'s such an amazing energy to be around you!!!

Love and Kindness to you all


1 comment:

  1. Donna, I remembered tonight that you had sent this out and I hadn't taken the time to visit. I'm here now and so happy I came! Being kind to myself tonight by really hanging out with Vinnie and playing with him instead of doing the usual duty then off to something else. So simple and fun! Glad you're back!

    Love, Lis (and Vin of course :)
