Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Promise

Good Morning,

I have always labeled myself as a democrat. And as a young girl (18-19) I went to my first political rally and shook the hand of Bill Clinton. I worked for the campaign's of John Kerry, Joe Biden and our current President Barack Obama. Most of my political discussions have been with other democrats. On the rare occasion that I would speak politics to a republican or independent friend, I would find frightened parts of my personality (judging) that would disregard their comments as talking points.  In a general way, I thought I was right, and those who saw things differently were wrong. The news about the debt ceiling has brought up a lot of energy as politics often does but this time the news seemed so dire that all I could do was hope that we could come together. Right or wrong seemed so surface, I wanted to go deeper. I didn't want to blame any one soul.  Nor did I want to blame a group of people. I just wanted  humans to put down blame and judgment.  I was in new territory. The feelings were powerful as if I was going in the right direction.  This is not my normal state of being.   I realized at that moment that I had become one who stepped out of being part of the problem.

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."-Nelson Mandela

"Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment."-Rumi

"Nothing brings down walls as surely as acceptance."-Deepak Chopra

I would only add: 
 I read recently from Eckhart Tolle's book The Power of Now: "The human condition: lost in  thought" and he wrote  about how powerful those thoughts are. He suggests that what we think "collectively as humans" is what we manifest.  War, torture and disconnection from one another is part of how we all think on a daily basis which leads to the bickering in our politics. Our government does represent the people. If 80-90% of our thoughts are negative, repetitive and useless, we as a society are negative and we see proof of that  by how we treat other humans, animals and this planet.  But the good news is...we have the power to change. If one human takes care and raises their energy that light can effect a great many people. Love is much more powerful than fear and there is a wonderful shift happening in this world of human evolution.  I for one will do my part! Here is my promise to my Self: When I feel the feelings of frustration, anger, impatience I will follow my breath to calm my nervous system and bring myself into the present moment.  I will take some space for myself to be kind to myself and sit still.  I promise to not pollute the air for myself and others by living in negative, heavy energy.  I will share my truths with my spiritual partners to be able to let go.  I promise to smile and laugh a lot. I promise to be of service.  I promise to love without judgment. I promise to forgive.

Love to All,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Responsibility= Kindness

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is happy and well and growing stronger every day :) I was in meditation this morning and the word responsibility, like a a billboard, kept coming up for me.  I felt like I was responsible for my own energy in that moment.  But what about all the other moments in my day that go past me in unawareness.  Am I responsible.  I work at being patience and express kindness but how often do I give it to myself?  What is the kindest thing I do for myself?  And how often do I do it?  I started thinking about these things and I realized when I am the most kind to myself is when I give myself room to make mistakes.  I give myself room to grow.  If I speak out and I offend someone...I don't sit and judge myself (it takes courage to speak out) I understand and I have compassion. I don't scream at myself when I'm tired or when I am in the lazy cycle of life.  I give myself room to come back to energy, peace and a lightness.  This is when I am most kind to myself and I realize I live there :)

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. "-Buddha

I would only add:
There are so many ways to BE kindness.  Smile at someone you love. Listen to someone you love.  (really listen without judging) Send those who are suffering compassion ( maybe a moment of prayer for the animals) And perhaps the mother of kindness..take responsibility for your energy (the heaviness, the lightness everything)'s such an amazing energy to be around you!!!

Love and Kindness to you all


Monday, June 20, 2011

The Sun shines....

Good Monday to you :)

June gloom; warm, overcast/clouds in LA for the month of June. I prefer sunshine :)  But i know the sun always shines even when I cannot see it. This morning, I was feeling heavy..but I became aware of the heaviness and I chose to be kind to myself.  I let myself off the hook and started to feel lighter.  This day started cloudy, cold..a little gloomy but the sun started to shine at 8:45A yoga and it was so beautiful and bright. The energy I get from the sun is so uplifting :)  It has turned into the most beautiful day!!   I think the clouds just kind of moved out of the way for the sun to do it's best work...Giving without asking for anything in return!! Let the sunshine IN :)

"Friends are like the sunshine of life"-John Hay

I would only add:
Today has been a beautiful day with 3 yoga classes a trip to Malibu to see the beautiful pacific ocean and a stop at Whole Foods for some fresh fruits and veggies.  A blessing of awareness to all of you: Are you being kind to yourself?  Or have you been harsh towards you?

Love to you all

Saturday, June 18, 2011


The Journey Inward..


 Am  I off to a good start or what! It Feels great to be writing again and thank you all for the well wishes :)  I attribute my new found inspiration for writing to meditation.  About six years ago I started  on my quest for knowledge and wisdom "to find myself" because I knew by the time I was 35 or so that life was not about paying bills.  Life is about Love and happiness, joy and peace; we were not meant to suffer by living in unhappiness.  Love is the greatest feeling. Love for myself and everything living.  I saw the possibility of this and I have been going in that direction ever since. During this enormous awakening I was meditating a lot.  I was listening a lot.  I worked on remaining open to things I couldn't imagine I would have chosen for myself.  I was also reading and writing a lot. I wrote in my book and in Daily Love almost everyday. I needed to share :)  And during that time, my journey inward to authenticity and power,  I was working with The APP (authentic power program) with Gary Zukav and Linda Francis. I felt like I was back in college walking around with a book bag filled of books, notes and guideline cards. My life was dedicated to my spiritual growth and meditation was one if not the most powerful tool to guide me.

"Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom."-Buddha

I would only add:
Recently I started a meditation class two times a week before my 8:45A yoga class.  At 8am we meet in the park to cleanse and release all the build up from the previous day. I start the class in a seated position..connecting to our breath and settling the body. We sit practicing stillness and breathe awareness for 30 minutes. But we also practice (as we go deeper inward) acceptance, responsibility, forgiveness, compassion, patience and so many other challenges and gifts.  It takes courage to invite the stress, thoughts, anxiousness, or whatever challenges that arises in the moment. But if you can sit there and continue the journey inward to the deep waters things become clear!! You may find what is "holding you back" and witness a lightness that follows.  Back when I was learning so much I was meditating for one hour every morning. Getting back to this meditation (3 weeks now) I am already inspired to write again!!   This is going to be one hell of a year!!!  Love you ALL!!!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Everything Changes...

Hello Everyone,

It's been almost a year and a half since my last post.  It's hard to imagine I have gone so long without this beautiful outlet for sharing... but I have been busy.  It's been nice to catch up and keep connected on facebook. I must say I miss the close connections in this little group of souls as we have shared about so many deep topics.  We have all discussed divorce, birth, death, politics, food, health and of course love. I miss you all dearly which is why Daily Love will be a part of my every day life again.  As for the new address for this post I have been removed as the administrator of (lol) I have no idea why but perhaps I don't need to know why. It just  IS and what needed to I let it go :)  And now a new has been created. As a tribute to all the love, laughs, writing, space learning growing that I received from starting my first blog I would like to repost my very first blog (on wednesday Sept 19, 2007 almost 4 years ago)  to say goodbye with love and courage. Ironically, it is titled courage :) Love to you all!!

Morning everyone-

I have taken the great advice from a few of you to start a blog! I do think it's a great way to make it very convienant for all to share. thank you for the advice and now onto some great words;

Let YOUR light shine-it's all about courage today!

"Words have the power to destroy or heal. When words are both true and kind they can change the world"

To add more light: Follow your divine inspiration. Take each step along it's winding path, even if it doesn't make any sense. Be couragous; Act on it."
-Mikaela katherine Jones
Go Casey!!!

"The purpose of life is not merely to serve as a warning for others" LOVE WILLIE!!!!
-Willie nelson 

"Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, more violent. It takes a touch of genious-and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction."
-Albert Einstein

I would only add:
It takes courage to be positive. It takes courage to leave a job you hate. It takes courage to share the deepest, most vulnerable, loving place in my heart. It takes courage to believe in the Universe and that it has a plan for me. It takes courage to start a blog when I'm not sure what i am doing :) It takes courage to love my friends and family fully and to the best of my ability.
I am so grateful to have the courage to do all of these things today.

love to all,
