Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Promise

Good Morning,

I have always labeled myself as a democrat. And as a young girl (18-19) I went to my first political rally and shook the hand of Bill Clinton. I worked for the campaign's of John Kerry, Joe Biden and our current President Barack Obama. Most of my political discussions have been with other democrats. On the rare occasion that I would speak politics to a republican or independent friend, I would find frightened parts of my personality (judging) that would disregard their comments as talking points.  In a general way, I thought I was right, and those who saw things differently were wrong. The news about the debt ceiling has brought up a lot of energy as politics often does but this time the news seemed so dire that all I could do was hope that we could come together. Right or wrong seemed so surface, I wanted to go deeper. I didn't want to blame any one soul.  Nor did I want to blame a group of people. I just wanted  humans to put down blame and judgment.  I was in new territory. The feelings were powerful as if I was going in the right direction.  This is not my normal state of being.   I realized at that moment that I had become one who stepped out of being part of the problem.

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."-Nelson Mandela

"Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment."-Rumi

"Nothing brings down walls as surely as acceptance."-Deepak Chopra

I would only add: 
 I read recently from Eckhart Tolle's book The Power of Now: "The human condition: lost in  thought" and he wrote  about how powerful those thoughts are. He suggests that what we think "collectively as humans" is what we manifest.  War, torture and disconnection from one another is part of how we all think on a daily basis which leads to the bickering in our politics. Our government does represent the people. If 80-90% of our thoughts are negative, repetitive and useless, we as a society are negative and we see proof of that  by how we treat other humans, animals and this planet.  But the good news is...we have the power to change. If one human takes care and raises their energy that light can effect a great many people. Love is much more powerful than fear and there is a wonderful shift happening in this world of human evolution.  I for one will do my part! Here is my promise to my Self: When I feel the feelings of frustration, anger, impatience I will follow my breath to calm my nervous system and bring myself into the present moment.  I will take some space for myself to be kind to myself and sit still.  I promise to not pollute the air for myself and others by living in negative, heavy energy.  I will share my truths with my spiritual partners to be able to let go.  I promise to smile and laugh a lot. I promise to be of service.  I promise to love without judgment. I promise to forgive.

Love to All,